Original building, circa 1910, donated for use as the library by Dr. and Mrs. Britain.
CMP Library - After the first part of the expansion has begun.
CMP Library after the outer expansion has been completed.
The new wall mural in the children's area, by Artist Diane Gerot of Pierce, Idaho.
The new wall mural in the children's area, by Artist Diane Gerot of Pierce, Idaho.
Close up of one section of the wall mural, by Artist Diane Gerot of Pierce, Idaho.
Close up of the wall mural in the Children's area, by Artist Diane Gerot of Pierce, Idaho.
Third close up of the wall mural, by Artist Diane Gerot of Pierce, Idaho.
Fourth close up of Artist, Diane Gerot's, wall mural.
The final close up of the wall mural created by Artist Diane Gerot.
Join us at the library Monday through Friday from 9-6 and Saturdays from 10-3. We love to see you.
To get a library card and access 50-plus libraries in the Valnet consortium, bring a photo ID with proof of residency in our taxing district, or just come in and look around!
The Clearwater Quilters display some beautiful quilts here, amongst other art work and displays. We thank staff and community for making our library more interesting!
WE ARE HIRING! See “Employment” under “Library Services”.
Support the Friends of the Library. Come to the library annex for a fundraiser held every 2nd and 4th Friday (10 am to noon). Browse for books, audiobooks, or movies to add to your home library.
Come in and relax at the library! Sit and read newspapers, magazines, or your latest book. Ask us about patron computers to surf the web, or type up your resume (no library card required for computer use). Get comfy with your own device. There’s Story Time and craft for kids of all ages every Friday at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm. Click “Monthly Newsletter” under “News, Programs, and Events”, and just beneath “CMPL News” for more!